Serving the Persecuted Church

My Visit to Naniarchar on Oct 2023 (2)

Unshackling the Persecuted Church to Survive and Thrive


We provide aid for urgent needs including:

  • Food and essential supplies.
  • Shelters, safe houses, and security cameras.
  • Medical aid from injuries.
  • Sponsorships for children and pastors.


We equip Christians to endure with faith and skills including:

  • Training and tools for job skills and livelihoods.
  • Education and school supplies.
  • Print and audio Bibles, and Gospel broadcasts.
  • Bible training and discipleship.

Pray and Act

We advocate by:

  • Reporting incidents of persecution, oppression, and martyrdom and equipping people to pray and act.
  • Informing key government officials and diplomats.
  • Speaking at churches, schools, and Christian groups.

Our focus

“A hand up, not a hand-out” focuses our work.

We believe equipping persecuted Christians to provide for themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities gives hope for a better future.

Christians throughout the world suffer extreme hardships because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Many people are unaware of the cruel conditions endured by Christians.

We equip our supporters with:

Today, in hostile countries and cultures, Christians risk everything to follow Jesus.

They are beaten, harassed, oppressed, imprisoned, and killed. They lose family, livelihoods, homes, and churches. Their persecutors range from government officials to religious and social leaders, neighbors, and even family members.

Today, Christians are the most persecuted religious group globally. Despite these hardships, Christians remain resilient in their faith. They bravely follow Jesus, often at great personal cost.

We reach into hard places to directly help Christians who risk everything because of their faith.

We work directly with persecuted Christians to provide tangible support and Biblical hope. We provide emergency aid for urgent needs, equip with skills to build a future, and embolden faith in Jesus.

We come alongside persecuted Christians and focus on their unique situations. Support for them ends up overflowing to others as they share out of love. Their generosity multiplies the aid given to them.

Bringing Aid and Relief

Providing aid to meet urgent needs arising from persecution, such as food, medical assistance, and other essential support.


Appealing to God and urging key officials and authorities to act on behalf of specific persecuted Christians.


Providing security, such as shelters for Christians facing immediate threats, and security cameras for churches.


Providing training and tools to help people provide for their families.

Providing Bibles, spiritual support, and discipleship to build a faith that endures.

Growing the Local Church

Supporting and working with local pastors and churches to build the body of Christ.

You can make a difference

Meet persecuted Christians

Read their unique stories and how God is giving opportunities to help.


Keep in touch with all we’re doing.


Christian children in hostile countries know the grim reality of fear, persecution, and poverty. By sponsoring a Christian child, you can provide for their basic needs and encourage them in Christ.

You can also sponsor a pastor in impoverished and hostile areas.


Share your faith with bold t-shirts and colorful boutique items – and help the persecuted Christians who make them.

Each product is individually made at Christian Freedom International’s school for persecuted Christians from Burma. Students are trained in Bible and discipleship, as well as valuable job skills.

“I am able to help others with the skills I learned at Victory Bible Academy.” Student

Browse our collection of Bible-based designs and colorful boutique items.

Proud members of

ECFA 300

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

GS 300


BIA 300

Independent Charities of America

CFC 300

Combined Federal Campaign (#10900)

EIG 300

Excellence in Giving

CN 300

Charity Navigator

At Christian Freedom International we care about each one of those who are persecuted.

Our mission is to bring relief through practical support and prayer, and to advocate on behalf of the oppressed.