Freedom Fighter Club


With a pledge of $20 per month, you can help refugee students as they train to be Christian leaders with marketable skills.

Freedom Fighter T-Shirt of the Month Club

With your pledge of $20 a month, you can help refugee students as they train to be Christian leaders with marketable skills. You will receive:

  • A new t-shirt each month with a Bible-theme design to declare your faith.
  • A hand-written note from a persecuted Christian.
  • CFI’s newsletter with stories of Christians who are overcoming persecution.

Our t-shirts are hand-crafted at CFI’s Victory Bible Academy, a school for persecuted Christians. The designs are based on Bible verses.

T-shirts ship directly to you from our school in Thailand. Please allow up to six weeks for production and delivery.

100% of your pledge of $20 a month goes to help refugee students at CFI’s Victory Bible Academy.

CFI is committed to “a hand up, not a hand-out” by providing ways for persecuted Christians to support themselves.

A teacher at Victory Bible Academy wrote:

I am very happy to see young men and women come to our school and learn, but it is best when we see them leave to serve their communities.

At Christian Freedom International we care about each one of those who are persecuted.

Our mission is to bring relief through practical support and prayer, and to advocate on behalf of the oppressed.