What We Do


We look for the best ways that we can help persecuted Christians in their unique situations, guided by Biblical principles.


We provide aid for urgent needs including:

  • Food and essential supplies.
  • Shelters, safe houses, and security cameras.
  • Medical aid from injuries.
  • Sponsorships for children and pastors.


We equip Christians to endure with faith and skills including:

  • Training and tools for job skills and livelihoods.
  • Education and school supplies.
  • Print and audio Bibles, and Gospel broadcasts.
  • Bible training and discipleship.

Pray and Act

We advocate by:

  • Reporting incidents of persecution, oppression, and martyrdom and equipping people to pray and act.
  • Informing key government officials and diplomats.
  • Speaking at churches, schools, and Christian groups.

The Bible is banned or restricted in some countries, too expensive for impoverished believers, or inaccessible to illiterate or sight-impaired people.

Christian Freedom International freely gives print and audio Bibles, translated in local languages, to encourage persecuted Christians and spread the Word of God.

Audio Bibles are on hand-held players or micro-chips that are easy to carry and hide.

Livelihoods and Education

“A hand up, not a hand-out” focuses our mission on self-sufficiency and hope for a better future for individual persecuted Christians.

We believe in equipping people to provide for themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

Christian Freedom International provides job skill training, resources, and support for school fees for persecuted Christians.

How we can equip you

Prayer Calendar

Colorful pictures and Bible verses provide a daily reminder to pray for specific ministries and needs for persecuted Christians.

International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Our kit for churches includes background information, devotionals, Bible studies, and resources for children.

At Christian Freedom International we care about each one of those who are persecuted.

Our mission is to bring relief through practical support and prayer, and to advocate on behalf of the oppressed.